Monday, July 16, 2007

Lambatnya pukul 5.30!!

Two entries in a day?
You got to be kidding..
Nope, I’m not.
I’m dead bored here, okay?!
Nothing much to do. Nothing urgent.
Actually kalau nak cari2 kerja atau nak buat housekeeping bolehlah..
Tapi cam malas pulak.

So I ended up making another entry. Kalau tadi I blog about Ashraff, now on Aliff pulak.

Hmmm..what can I say about this guy. Looking at most photos I got of him, takde satu pun yang berkenan di hati. He is not camera friendly. Susah sangat-sangat nak tangkap gambar dia senyum (or maybe I’m not good with camera). Everytime when I tried to focus the lens on him, he'll immediately notice the camera and change expression. Tension betul!

So, last weekend (apart from taking photos of Abah’s garden) I ended up carrying the big camera wherever I go and happily snapping away.

Barulah berjaya tangkap gambar Aliff senyum. The cheekiest smile yang bisa mencairkan hati ibu and ayahnya.

I'm looking for a good hairdresser for my hair. Ibu cakap my rambut macam landak. Dia cakap lagi kalau nak botakkan sayang pulak.

Aunty Ana said I look very much like Bob from Bob the Builder. What do you think?

This boy is going through some kind of growth spurt, I think.
The last three weeks, he’s still rolling over and still no sign of teeth coming out.
Tetiba within the span of three weeks, BAMM! Gigi dah dua, he’s crawling fastly and now trying to stand up while holding onto something.
And not only that, dia dah pandai rebut benda dengan Abang Ashraff. Apa yang Abang dia pegang, dia nak…Hangin Abang Ashraff dibuatnya!

Bila Abang susu, dia pun nak minum susu jugak.
When two boys ransacking the drawer full of toys...

...and ended up fighting over the same toy.

Eh dahlah. Enough of blogging. Better do some housekeeping…


Juliah & Faridah said...

best la, dah ada dua tukang 'kemas'..

part rambut tu..kalau tak botak-kan.. tak se'kaum' la ngan ayah & abg nye..

tak gitu :P

ladymooo said...

tomeynyer nk gigit2 jer pipi dia tu..hehehh!

Mummy Rizq said...

talking abt toys.. everywhere in the house is rizq's toys.. atas almari, dlm bilik bilik, bawah kerusi.. its everywhere!

mama_fynn said...


hehe talking about toys..yup same here everywhere ada toys dia..kdg-kdg nak duduk ada 'bonggol' ingat kan apa rupa-rupa toys dia..selepas dia tidur..dah kena kutip and kemaskan...;part menyelongkat toys tu cute le..

eiseais said...

i love that pix of the boys ransacking the drawer.

* bila lahhh mummy amir & asyraf nak tengok that action :(

Jungle Playland said...

I have to get few pointers from you on how to take care of two toddlers.

Did u cut his hair? I pun nak cut my son's hair laa. Senang tak nak potong rambut?

rafiqaheliza said...

haariz's mom: balik rumah sah2 bilik toys tu 'kemas'. Pening kepala tgk! Takpelah tak sekaum...this one has straight hair:)

smileymorn: pipi dia mmg his significant feature. Setakat ni, itu je yg masih maintain lebar..

mummy rizq: same here! Bilik toys tu tak pernah kemas! I've got a hard time in instilling the value of kemas in Ashraff.

mamafynn: hahahaha..i plaing tak suka skali bila barang dah hilang, kita pulak yg kena cari kat mana..dia dah start nak nangis.

eiseai: Everytime I duduk kat sofa, mengadap TV, that is the normal sight I'll see..and I love it. That's why I kena cepat2 amik camera to capture the moment...Oh, soon, soon..takut u pulak tak tahan tgk bersepah nanti.

aidan's mom: You're asking me for pointers? U sure u're asking the right person..hehe..Sure can, if I can advise, I'll do.
Aliff's hair ke? Belum cut lagi..dulu masa botak, he was smiling all the way. That time he was just a lil baby. Sekarang tak taulah...