Friday, June 01, 2007


I'm taking a 10 mins break from my very busy schedule. Busy sangat2 cam rasa nak pengsan.
This week alone, twice I left the office at 10.30 pm. Sampai2 rumah, bebudak dah tidur:(

And I think this busyness will go on till next week (hopefully). So, I am disconnecting myself from the blogsphere (and the internet) and hope to return to the cyberworld once this commitment is over. Please pray for my return...(cam bagus je bunyinye).

To my friends, whom I have not reply your email or not returning your call, or not visiting your blog, I'm sorry. InsyaAllah, I will catch up with you soon...

So for now, Rafiqah is in hiatus...chow...


Nana said...

hope to see you back online soon!

Unknown said...