Monday, January 23, 2006

A Tribute to the Readers. a boon to all writers - experts or amatuers. I see blog as a diary, where we can freely express our thoughts and emotions. I see blog as a type of drug, which you can easily get addicted to it in a few months time. I see blog as a place to 'jejak kasih' as I met two of my long-lost friends while blogging. I also see blog as a place for us to make friends, as half of the people in my Friend's list is a total stranger to me before I am into blogging (and most of them are just my virtual friends..bila lah nak jumpa ye?).

But to top it all of, I see blog as a form of communication. Most of us here are too busy with our lives. We haven't got the time to contact our friends either via email or phone. So, the only way for us to keep up todate with what's happening in our friends' life is by reading their blog.
This is the prime reason why I gave my Blog's URL to them (apart from getting some comments *wink*), eventhough some of them are totally clueless about blogging (or Internet, for that matter).

Despite doing so, I always thought that the only clan who will take some time off from their busy schedule to read my blog, are people who blog themselves.

But I am wrong! Some of the people that I gave my URL to, which I thought they wouldn't care less to have a peep at my blog, actually visited and read my blog..regularly! It just clicked my mind when somebody, whom I haven't told them a particular occassion or issue, came up to me and made a statement or asked me questions like:-
Dah ok dah kereta you?; or
U dah officially pindah rumah ye?; or
Ni lah budak yang tak nak makan ni...; or
Ingat apa kata Premila...(This is Hubby warning me when he saw me trying to add some rice in my plate..

My natural reaction will be "Do you read my blog?"...

So, to all my fellow blog readers (including the hidden ones like Kak Z, Uncle Raymie, Nissa and Hubby), thank you so much for taking your time off to visit and read my entries.

My Hugs and Kisses to all of you...Muah!


kaezrin said...

hidup blogging..ahaks..

zan said...

yes yes to blogging world!

err btw, i make another backup at efx2 just in case Modblog decided to bungkus.

it's here :

see u there...

shell said...

bila kita nak berjumpa nihh?

:P. Kawan tak virtual pun susah nak jumpa kan kan kan?

rafiqaheliza said...

kaezrin: Hidup 3X! Hidup, hidup, hidup blogging!

Zan: Haaa..ada pun back-up. I'll definitely check it out. Wait for my comment..

Shell: Ha'ahlah kan. R u in Malaysia?

Unknown said...

rafiqah, shell is sooooo in malaysia right now..anyway....ko jgn terperanjat lak lepas ni ada orang mengaku sedara ko pas tu dia kata dia baca blog ko tiap2 hari...

Nana said...

Hugs n Kisses to you too!!

weh, apesal ko dah unlink aku ni?? ni yg nak merajuk ni. hehehe

rafiqaheliza said...

Fina: Eh ada yang mengaku sedara ke? Ni baru btol jejak kasih...

Nana: Alamak! I tukar my template and tak sempat nak create the link yet..Jgnlah merajuk..