Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Career Makeover

My Bank is in another round of restructuring after the merging process. And I am still waiting for The Letter to inform me whether I will have to change department, or stay where I am now. I would prefer staying here, with a not-to-busy schedule (as compared to doing loan evaluation), a nice boss who treat us free pizza every month...and a lovely room of my own.

With all these merging, restructuring and what not, I think I need to make a move elsewhere. Not that I have a high resistance to change, but all I need is to have at least a lil bit of comfort, assurance and predictability in my working life. I also have the urge of moving out from the banking industry coz I do not think I am passionate enough to work in this hot boiling sector. And without passion, your motivation will reach zero level in no time at all. So before it reaches that stage, I better start thinking of a way out.

This is where I decided to take this career makeover test.

And to my suprise, here is my result:-

Rafiqah Eliza, you're a Teacher!

You're the sort of person that people think of fondly, when remembering who helped make a difference in their lives. Your stellar interpersonal skills and compassionate ear for the troubles and life experiences of others makes you a godsend when the going gets tough. And since you're especially smooth at managing responsibility, your listening skills and wisdom are their sharpest when you're in a position of authority. Consider yourself the soul doctor to the world—it's your true work personality.

Who's like you:
Florence Nightingale

Likely careers:
Nurse, pediatrician, veterinarian, party planner, teacher, professor.

A TEACHER???? Nurse? pediatrician? veterinarian?
Do I click on the wrong button when answering the questions?
Or am I not that honest in answering them?

I do not view myself as a soft-hearted or patient kind of person. Thus, the result is what I least expected of!

On the other hand, would an educator be a nice choice of work for a change? Sharing knowledge is a holy thing to do. And lecturer usually have more flexible working time. Perhaps I should give it a try...A child educator, perhaps?!


Anonymous said...

im nervous in front of a crowd.

anyway, out of the bank was a good move (for me). Sometimes i wonder how i managaed to pull through all those years in the bank.

Nana said...

my mom has not given up in wanting me to become an educator. Till today if she hears me complaint about my work she'll go on and on about me not listening to her when she told me to take TESL.