Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fomema's check-up.

Our maid is due for Fomema's check-up in order for us to renew the levy. So, last week on Saturday, hubby brought her to the nearest Fomema's appointed clinic. She went through the ordeal - take some blood sample, x-ray and some medical history checking. Except for the gastric problem she has, which my maid confessed and was given medication, others seemed to turn out alright.

But, we know the blood test and the X-Ray's results are still unknown coz according to the clinic, it will take around one week to get the result.

However, it came earlier than expected. Right after lunch, I got a call from dear hubby.

"Doctor called me just now. The result is out. Fomema tak approve sebab Bibik punya jantung ada bengkak sikit."


"So what do we do now? Kita kena hantar dia balik ke?" NOOOOO!!!

"I pun tak tau nak buat apa ni. But doctor asked me to come and see him coz he knows what to do."

Ok, from what I understand, there is still hope for Bibik to stay with us. BUT, the result, presently, is still negative!! I do not know what is the probability for Bibik to continue working with us, but the thought that Fomema rejected her stay in Malaysia scares me to death.

One thing for sure, we do not know whether we would be able to get a substitute maid as reliable as her. I would not say she's 100% perfect but being older than me and has more children than we do, she has greater experience than us when it comes to handling kids. I have to say she is more patient than me in managing Ashraff's tantrum (termasuklah ikan-atas-darat action), which sometimes (or most of the times) gets me on my nerves.

And after I got to know I was pregnant and encountered complications like spotting, most of Ashraff's time is spent with Bibik. My maid is the one who has to carry Ashraff everytime his heart desires, coz I wouldn't be able to do that. As a result, Ashraff is more attached to her as compared to me (though I hate to admit it).

Am I jealous of her since Ashraff is so attached to her? Of course! But, I would not blame her or Ashraff that this things happened. Probably it's me to be blamed...

So now, if we were force to send her home...gee..I can't think of how life would be without her around. Not only Ashraff, but both me and hubby are dependable on her. I believe I would be able to resume my position as super-wife and super-mommy if I am not pregnant. But with a baby growing in a tummy, I got tired easily (and this time around, asyik ngantuk je!).

Just as much as we are dependable on her, she also needs us as her employer. She is a single parent with three kids in Indonesia aged 17, 14 and 9. Most of her salaries are sent back home to finance her children's education. She always told us how difficult it is to earn a living in Indonesia and how things are way more expensive there as compared to here (e.g. petrol price and some food items). From what she told me, I can gauge her sincerity to work here. And for us to break the news that her health check-up does not go through, it must have break her heart.

Oh my, am i being too emotional here? Alamak, seriously I do not what to do lah. Sekarang ni nak concentrate on office work pun susah...Macamana ni??

Ahhh...i better go and perform my Dzhur's prayer, and pray to Allah that there's hope for her to stay for at least another year before her contract expires. Oh doc, please let there be any medication to cure that mild inflammation...and appeal for her to stay longer...


Nana said...

wah wah.. 2 post in a row!

anyway, tawakkal je la ija. based from my experience when my maid lari.. there is always a reason for things to happen. kalau ada rezeki dia nak keje ngan u lagi, all will work out. if not, ada la sebab dia tu.

whatever it is, don't stress yourself out too much!

rafiqaheliza said...

nana: once u get the momentum, u can't stop-:)

Oh yes, after dzhur prayer it sort of struck my mind that things happen for a reason, usually for the good. Ntahlah, like what u say, just tawakkal...

kaezrin said...

dun worry too much...

at least u still have time kalau kena cari madi baru to train and etc befofre the baby and etc

Juliah & Faridah said...

welcome back..

famyGirl said...

jangan worry sangat. sian kat baby.

Anonymous said...

take care, don't worry too much.

Anonymous said...

What to maid just run away maghrib tadi. baru je sat ni tadi masa i tgh mandi dgn anak2 i. i pun tak terkata apa.. esok nampaknya tak pergi kerja. redha aje lah, nothing i can do.. baik kita bertenang2 aje. -zety

musthafa said...

My urin test show sugar but doctor directly send to the fomema but he didnot give a further test what i can do...can chage the doctor....