Friday, March 03, 2006

What have I done??!!

What's got into me yesterday??

Ashraff has pushed my patience to its limit, and I was in rage..towards him..

But when he cried himself to sleep...

A feeling of guilt and regret rushed through me..
Oh why can't I be a little bit more patient??
I kissed and hugged him while he's sleeping..but that did not wash the guilt away...

This morning, I left to work...and he is still sleeping...
And this impatient mother is still blaming herself for not being able to hold back her anger yesterday...

I can see his smiley face everywhere now...I want to go back home and be there the first time he opens his eyes, greeting me good morning...

What's got into me yesterday??


Anonymous said...

*Sigh...dugaan membesarkan anak. One 'garang' mother I am :(

Nana said...


it must have been a really bad day for you. knowing you, mana ada ko garang. don't be to hard on yourself, it happens even to the most penyabar people.

Anonymous said...

takpe.. biasalah.. sumtime we just cant control our anger.. bila tgk balik diorang rasa sedih je kan..hehhe.. salam kenalan.. :-)

Anonymous said...

he still loves you, no matter what.

rafiqaheliza said...

Butterflutter: Yes, it is a dugaan...Mencabar betul..

Nana: Guess so...Or probably Ashraff punya perangai extraordinary sket semalam..Sometimes kids are just unpredictable..

Mama Irfan: Salam perkenalan...Memang rasa sedih..Ni rasa tak sabar nak balik rumah...

Rotidua: Hope so..Hope he can be proud to have me as the mother...

Unknown said...

alaaaa ko ni takutkan aku la.....dah la aku ni kurang penyabar orangnyaaaa