The last time I updated the blog was one month ago. That’s a looong time, isn’t it? Not that I don’t have any juicy stories to update, but I have lost the appetite to blog, mainly due to my tight schedule, both office work and CMOG. Alternately, the boys often fell sick – fever, bad cough and flu. Ashraff has been suffering from runny nose and bad cough which only can be cured by antibiotics every now and then. Aliff, if he’s not strong enough, will follow suit. If u r a parent yourself, you will know how tiring it is to care for the sick. Thus, if you happened to feel that I’m slimmer than the last time you saw me, then this may be the major cause.
Anyway, here are few events that took place since my last entry:-
30th April – Ashraff’s Sports’ Day.
It was his first sports event. He entered 4 games – letak beanbag atas kepala, bawak toys dalam pinggan, masukkan bola dalam bakul and lari dalam gelung. I guess being the first sports’ day and merely entering 4 yrs old, he still could not grasp the concept of sports and its spirit. For him, all that matters is to complete the task as perfect as possible without considering the speed. It was so funny whereby in one event he actually walked and then turn back half-way down the road. I guess he must have hate that event.
There’s also parent-child games. And one game was a blow for me, where I fell down, bringing Ashraff down as well. I had to run carrying Ashraff, and towards the end of the line, I lost my balance. Ashraff was badly hit on his head. It was an embarrassing moment for me. I felt like I was labeled as “The Mom who fell down” the entire day. And guess what? Just to make my day, hubby caught the entire scene on video tape. Geee…

17th – 19th May – Branch’s Family Day.
My former branch had a family day in which we joined in the fun. This time around it was at Sutera Beach Resort, Kuala Terengganu. I simply love the resort. Nice and serene…and I love the swimming pool. It’s as green as the nearby ocean.

The holiday is not so much of relaxing and lazing around holiday, whereby you can put your legs up and read, swim, eat and sleep comfortably. But instead, me and hubby thought we were one of the contestants of Amazing Race. We were running around the hotel, in the room, at the beach, in the restaurant. Apa lagi kalau bukan kejar mamat Aliff. Thank God Ashraff is big enough to stay at one spot (or follow us kejar Aliff).

A visit to KT also provides me the opportunity to visit my former school, MRSM KT. I did visit it last year but I noticed I did not upload any pix in my blog. Shall do it this time around. KT is far reaching for me, so I wouldn’t know when I shall visit it again. So here it is…after 14 years leaving the school.

23rd May – Abah’s 65th Birthday Celebration
Abah has turned 65 this year! But Alhamdulillah, he’s still strong and steady..and still energetic considering his age. Mak and Abah enjoy their retirement age very much. They just returned from Istanbul, and next month they are going to Langkawi and in July, off to Terengganu. A jet-setter, that’s what they are. Wish me and hubby could be like them in my golden age.
I guess that’s all from me at this moment. Oh yeah, just want to share with you the simple gift I made for Ashraff’s teachers in conjuction with 2008 Teachers’ Day. I was busy fulfilling orders for Teachers’ Day celebration of one Islamic Private School, when Ashraff insisted I did the same for his teacher..and he specifically mentioned which teacher he wanted to give the gift too. So, just like the order I received, I did the same for Ashraff’s teachers…
A personalized paper bag filled with candies.