Probably it's too early for me to ask this question as I'm only 31 weeks pregnant. But too think of it again, I do not want to make the same mistake as I did with Ashraff the last two years.
Throughout my pregnancy with Ashraff, all I care to learn was anything and everything got to do with pregnancy and labour ONLY. I neglected the post-natal part like taking care of your baby, yourself and how to breastfeed exclusively. Thus, as soon as Ashraff was born, I felt that I'm overwhelmed with his presence and at the same time I have a strict confinement regime I have to follow.
Since I’m basically clueless, my mother and my MIL were basically the people who dictated me on what to do and what to take to ensure the well recovery of my body. They were also the one who helped me a lot in handling Ashraff. Mak(s), what will I do without you… As I’m the type of person who believe in good confinement regime to ensure a healthy body when we are old, thus I just followed obediently on all the instructions given by my two fellow mothers. Nasihat standard orang tua-tua - Kita perempuan ni kena jaga badan betul-betul, kalau tak suami lari… Hahahaha…
At that time, I resorted to using and consuming the post-natal set my MIL given me. It was prepared by my hubby's aunty for just RM50. I have no complain on the price of course coz it is relatively cheap as compared to the commercial brands we have in the market. But one drawback is the jamu is in powdery form. So, I had to mix it with water, add a lil bit of honey and drink it. Though I had no fuss on the daily food I have to take for 44 days (which turns out to be tasteless/plain), perintah berkurung dalam rumah selama 44 hari, bertungku, bertangas, berurut, berbarut, berbengkung dan mandi wiladah for the next 44 days, I did complain on the taste of the jamu that I had to consume. MasyaAllah, memang pahit sekali! I ended up consuming it for one week only and then I stopped. Memang tekak tak boleh terima! Jadi, lepas berpantang pun badan tidaklah rasa sesihat atau sesegar mana.
So, this time around I want to be more prepared. I have somesort of made up my mind to purchase Amway's Tropical Herbs set. Actually I'm in love with the bengkung that comes together with the set. A cousin of mine who gave birth last February used this bengkung together with Amway's ointment (that also comes together with the set) and she got an impressively flat tummy after two weeks of birth. Envy, envy...Unlike her, I used the traditional 10 metres long bengkung which required an assitant should you want to wear it properly so you can get a good result like my cousin's. Bila dah takde orang nak tolong, I ended up pakai sendiri so tak berapa ketat sangat. Jadi lepas dah habis pantang pun perut masih mengeleber. Actually perut masih lagi mengeleber till I got to know I'm pregnant again..hehehe...So, Tropical Herbs set is in my list.
However, this set contains only two jamus for internal consumption. I don't think it's enough. Or is it enough? So, I was thinking of buying another set focusing on the internal part. Let me see, we have commercial brands like Salindah, Sendayu Tinggi, Set Bersalin Manja etc, etc, etc in the market. I seriously do not know which one to choose. Anyone here want to share with me your experience and knowledge in this? Any set selepas bersalin yang elok dan sesuai untuk ibu yang menyusukan anak?
I'd homemade jamu, nona roguy and sendayu tinggi but never tried amway's..
to me nona roguy has the best minyak urut that is minyak herbanika and minyak mustajab..very very 'the' and the jamu I took the capsule..powder2 ni memang tak tertelan nanti membazir, pun best jugak the jamu compared to sendayu tinggi..and after habis pantang I sambung makan jamu kampung coz nona roguy, i tak larat nak maintain...expensive.
BTW, my jamu kampung is now right here in KL, this sister ni mewarisi bisnes parents dia, now she's in USJ so senang nak order - pun dalam kapsul..ada set bersalin, ada haliamadu, ada makjun utama, makjun wanita dan macam2 makjun..for men pun ada...I serasi with those jamus..badan rasa segar kalau makan jamu even looooooooong after beranak..
hi...been reading ur blog while blog-hopping.really love ur blog.ur post on the set of jamu to use is very useful since im gonna need them well not in the nearest future but next year.... :)
ija, i pon ambik yg amway dulu .. tapi ..tgk2 kena operate lak..
so.. guna ala kadar je .. bengkung pon pakai lepas dah lepas sebulan
tapi i baca.. ramai yg kata bagus amway nye pckage tu..
tak bley beli bengkungnye saja? i suka nona roguy sebab lawas dan badan rasa segar. Bau minyak pun sedap. Lagi satu yang best ubat sapu perut dia.
tapi tak bley la ikut cakap i sgt sebab perutku ini masih geleber boing boing boing.
tapi (saje je la nak citer) 1 week lepas beranak i dah start buat push-up, cepat perut susut. tapi tu lah.. tak maintain. m a - ma, l a s - las.
Hi! Heard that Felda's product Biofeld is great.
I don't have a child (yet) but my friend who's pregnant now is also eyeing the right jamu to take.
My sister-in-law recommended Biofeld.
ija... kalau untuk set after bersalin ni, ramai yang kata nona roguy elok. tapi saya guna salindah sebab saya guna untuk sebelum & selepas bersalin (one set). Salindah ni homeopati (bentuk pil).
Psst.. nak cakap ngan onde... kalau nak order jamu kat ur friend tu boleh ke? bila dengar tu macam bagus dan terus berkenan... how ek?
I've tried Salindah masa anak first dulu tapi takde rasa apa2 perubahan pun. Salindah ni i recc makan during pregnancy sampai u in labor. Tapi post-natal, tak brp berkesan unt i.
For my 2nd child, i guna Nona Roguy tapi kejap je sbb cirit birit teruk sgt bila mkn jamu tu. But minyak urut herbanika tu mmg best giler. Bengkung amway tu boleh beli asing kat kedai, salunya ada jual kat kedai baby. i bought it but used once only sbb rimas bila nak breastfeed so i used girdle Triumph aje, kesannya lebih kurang aje. Tapi beli girdle triumph yg harga rm99, not rm30 sbb ada 2 types. Yg mahal tu lagi selesa. (*** isy isy isy.. semuanya nak selesa je).
For my 3rd child (Ahaks.. bila la pulak ni), i plan nak guna amway pulak.
rafiqah, tumpang lalu..
minyak herbanika rasanya tak der tandingan lah, memang best dan macam rotidua cakap lawas..but then ada yang cirit birit pulak tu..hmmmm...
intan fahida,
kalau nak try boleh, tapi for first time consumer mmg jamu ni agak panas, kena minum byk air dan mandi siram me, lepas dah ada anak 4 ni, kaki dah tak boleh nak pijak lantai marble, rasa sejuk..tambah2 I ni semua c-sect, so this jamu helps me to maintain my body, dan of course yang nak "rapat2" tu insyaAllah lah..kalau ada keputihan pun elok..harga nya sgt reasonable compared to branded punya..cuma you have to disiplin makan..
my testimonial..hai, kebetulan... i memang guna set amway tuh.. i love the minyak urut for baby..sangat lah wangi & so far tak kembung pon my son.
i start amik jamu dia (tea etc etc) lepas pusat anak i tanggal (sebab ikut petua orang yang urut i) but apart from makan set itu, i minum air herba yang tukang urut tu buatkan sekali so dunno what helps me to reduce perut yang gelebeh.
tepel dia tak berapa panas so i tak lah sweat giller² pilis dia i pakai kejap je sebab rasa rimas.
bengkung dia memang kita boleh handle sorg² kalau nak pakai tapi sangat panjang utk saiz i.. so i kena lipat sikit and pakai sampai until tengah montot.
sepanjang i makan set amway nih i pump breast milk so far my son takde plak panas ke apa ke..OK je.. i guess OK to take while breastfeeding
my chinese friend pon pakai set ini after 2 deliveries ..and harga dia rasanya cheaper than nona roguy tu..
p/s: memula i nak try nona roguy tapi tak jadi sebab takut panas sgt
sis onde..pls give info..teringin nak kempiskan perut ni (malas nak exercise so badan i naik balik lepas pantang) orang kata puteri binari elok tapi tak berani nak cuba..yang kat usj tuh ade ape lagi? hehe tq for sharing
hi Ija, mcm menarik je nih. tp i dah terlepas bot la..the second one tak tahu la bila.
i takde experience plak psl jamu2 ni. dulu masa confinement i engaged sorang makcik ni, she take care for me & baby. few hours je in the morning. tp yg i tak suka tu, dia tak suruh i pakai bengkung pun.dia ada bg, stail yg panjang2 tuuu..pastu suruh i pakai sendiri? hhmm..i pakai 2-3 kali jer, hah hasilnya..tgk la perutku, tak ramping kannn? geram betul. tp kan, i dah plan le ni, nnti kalo ada rezeki pregnant lg, next time nk jaga betul2. so nnti, i buta entry sama mcm ni plak.hehe.
OO - jamu ggapo hok OO make lo nih tu. kalu molek, braso nk jgk. tra wi details, where to get eh? i stay at USJ, so mace sene nk gi carik tuh. acu royat teh..
-me aka oflionandbear-
rafiqah, tumpang lalu sekali lagi ya..hallo adik2 (i guess semua yang komen kat sini adik2 kan?)..
if you know me personally, you will say eh tak kurus pun makan jamu..mmg i tak kurus makan jamu but kesihatan insyaAllah okay can feel the difference kalau ambik jamu compared ngan tak ambik..
from my experience, badan akan naik after baby starts on solid food, sebab baby dah tak consume banyak sangat breastmilk and at the same time kita pulak makan kunun anak tgh menyusu lepas tu stdlah kan, exercise ni mana sempat tu yang badan naik..
nama jamu yang selalu ambik ada 2:
makjun utama dan halia madu, this halia madu is also sesuai kalau nak jarak2kan anak but me without much success coz dia ada aturan nak makan..sebelum 'bersama' dan lepas 'bersama'..dan esok pagi kena ambik lagi disamping ambik daily..makan jamu ni kena disiplin as i said earlier..ada aturan makan..lepas period makan apa, sebelum makan apa, but i tell you..the result? hubby will sayang you more..*wink*
now, i ambik additional jamu (dah tua babe..) untuk kesegaran tubuh badan (cheh, macam iklan pulak)..tambah satu lagi jamu segar wanita..baru je nak ambik yang ni..for now the harga are:
utama = RM45.00
haliamadu = RM33.00
segar = RN33.00
so am not sure this jamu can kempiskan perut or not..lain orang lain effect dia i think but i setia ngan jamu ni since beranak satu now anak sulung dah 8 years old..and back in my kampung mmg ramai ambik jamu dia ni..tak lama lagi dia nak keluarkan produk slimming pulak..sampai ke ober-c jamu dia ni orang order..hmmmm nampak kena buat entry khusus untuk jamu nih..hehehehe
hi hi (waves!!!) I used HPA for my first then Nona Roguy for my second. Both ok with me. Nona Roguy punya minyak herbanika, memang best. Jamu, masa 2nd one, I didn't take Nona Roguy, so can't tell if heaty or not. I pakai Dr. Idris's jamu.... also ok. I tak ada problem with the jamu. My friend said the scrub for Nona Roguy also good, to hilangkan the stretch marks... but I tak ambik dulu. takut gatal. so, I still got my marks :(... eying for that nanti 3rd one... bile ek ?
To all: Thanks for the tips and recommendations, esp kakak jamu kita, Onde2:) Lagi pening pulak nak pilih yang mana satu..hehehe..
I guess I nak try yang ringan2 dulu masa pantang coz with Ashraff last time, he's super-sensitive of jamu. Kembunglah, demam kuninglah, cirit-biritlah. We'll see how this time around. Kalau ok, then I try to add some more jamu to my list. Nampaknya ramai yang recommend Nona Roguy ni..
Specially for Onde2: I ingat nak try maintain makan your homemade jamu even after pantang. Tapi bab disiplin ni ada sikit lemahlah..Hey you, make an entry of jamulah...
i dah buat one entry for jamu..
Ija, bila due? Lama la tak jumpa awak. Tup2, "terjumpa" kat sini...zaman IT la katakan..
diorg yg lain2 kat mana ek? sapa yg dlm contact list lg? kita mostly dah lost contact la..hehe. dah scan tak? baju pink / blue?
Sori yer mod promote sikit. Set Bersalin HPA keluaran 100% bumiputra ini sesuai untuk ibu yang baru melahirkan anak. Murah dan berkesan..
hey..mmg bagus amway ni. although my mom macam was2 sbb tgk takde mende makan pun..tapi pada i constipation problem at all..(walaupun masa2 tak bersalin pun i selalu sembelit)..susu anak mmg prob..and flat tummy yeah...and the pilis also very nice one-lah.
u should try this. i highly recommend it to you.
I makan nona roguy masa anak sulung. Memang kalau ke toilet mcm tak sempat2, mcm baby jugak asyik tercirit. Tapi lepas kurangkan dos, semuanya jadi ok. Kurus pun cepat, susu banyaaaakkkk. Bila join amway i makan amway punya masa anak ke2. Susu tak berapa byk pulak. Tapi bengkung best. Minyak baby pun ok. Kali ke 3 I dapat twins, normal delivery dan pembedahan utk the 2nd twin. Atas bawah kena jaga!! Makan amway punya sebab kawan yg hadiah. Susu memang tak byk. Tapi i boleh kempis perut jgk bukan sebab jamu completely tp I berbengkung jugak mcm org bersalin normal bila balik dr hospital. Rahsianya - lapik bhg pembedahan dengan kain batik tebal2 sebelum pakai bengkung. Lain2 I berpantang mcm biasa aje. Takde la tunggu sebulan baru nak pakai bengkung. Masuk angin!!! Sekrg I pregnant dah cukup bulan. Tunggu hari je. I dah beli nona roguy sebab I nak susukan anak I sepenuhnya. Anak I dah engaged tapi bukan kepala tapi punggung. Nampaknya kena potong lagi. Tapi I tak kisah. Ini Allah punya kuasa. Janji semuanya selamat. Insyaallah. Lupa pulak. Salindah - I makan masa pregnant anak sulung tapi anak I ada sensitive skin problem. Anak makcik I pun gitu.
i baru je melahirkan anak dan guna set bersalin amway yang i beli dari website
So far.. ok je.. sembelit pun dah kurang.. kalau tidak.. memang berjam-jam lah i duduk kat dalam toilet tu..
Hi i was actually looking for any articles about confinement products from amway and elken and i accidentally came across your blog. When i delivered my 1st baby, i didn't bother to buy any confinement products in the market other than the herbs brought by my mum all the way from sabah. As for my 2nd baby, i was a little bit more conscious about what to take during confinement so i bought salindah, pilis, minyak panas,and there's another one which i have forgotten its brand name ( comes with binder and ginger cream ). My 2 confinements have been total nightmares for me. Abt 3 days after delivery, i suffered some sort of panic attack and extreme anxiety. It was triggered just like that with no known cause. Just imagine i suddenly felt difficult to breathe, couldn't look after my own personal hygiene like brushing teeth, washing face, cleaning ears. sadly, i couldn't bond with my babies either. I had sleepless nights due to my anxiety which lasted about 2-3 weeks. 1 day was like 100 years for me! the products which i bought earlier, i hardly used them due to my anxiety. what a waste!Real torture for me.I said to myself that i wouldn't get pregnant again but here i am pregnant with my 3rd baby. Oh my, i'm so scared if i had to experience it again.I wonder if anyone of u have ever experienced my situation. it's not just so called baby blues, it's worse than that!I'm thinking how i'm going to cope with this for the 3rd time.So far this 3rd pregnancy is ok but i'm nauseated sometimes. A friend suggested that i buy Elken LD Venus for confinement. Has anyone of u tried it? Yeah, the nona roguy i heard is a bit too heaty but aids those who have constipation. Be cafeful coz it can make your baby purge too. Another friend of mine recommended Amway during my 2nd pregnancy but i didn't buy. Comments on amway confinement in your blog sound interesting but i have yet to decide which one to take.Hey, is the herbanika sold separately? Jamu isn't for everyone. Some are highly sensitive to it, not to mention the baby too! I've heard from my friend that there was a lady who suffered severe bleeding after consuming sendayu tinggi's jamu. That doesn't sound good to me. Some suggested that jamu be taken after confinement. But again, who are we to say 'no' to mum's order unless you dare to hahaha.Ok mamas, pls share your thoughts with me!
Dear all mamas,
this is my 2nd pregnancy. expecting end of april. i just bought nona roguy set bersalin. previous prgnant i took sendayu tinggi. badan sihat, tp susu saje i change to nona roguy. after reading this blog, i just wanna seek ur guys opinion on whether nona roguy set ni..since ramai ckp panas sikit, blh based on u all punye experience, akan effect baby tk? blh ke baby menyusu? sbb i tanye kt stokis dia tu..katanye no harm to baby. hope u all blh bg pendapat on this.
one more thing, utk bengkung amway,since it is user friendly, ade tk sold separately? where to buy? nak beli laa.. mana elok ngn bengkung sendayu tinggi? mana lg senang pakai? pls share.. thanks so much.
How do u know that nona roguy will definitely help u produce more milk supply 4 ur baby? Do not get easily influenced by the myth u have heard about nona roguy. Stay away from any jamu esp wen you know it makes ur baby purge and if your baby is jaundiced.Always take precautions b4 u decide to consume any products because watever we eat may be passed down to our baby through the blood stream.Based on my own experience n knowledge wen it comes to breasfeeding, there's no link between the jamu intake and the amount of milk production. It's very easy to ensure good milk supply : Eat a well-balanced diet and breasfeed according to ur baby's demand. The more you breasfeed, the more milk will be reproduced. I NEVER took jamu during confinement but yet i had lots and lots of milk supply simply because i started breasfeeding my baby as soon as posible after delivery. Try not to substitute your breast milk with the formula especially the first few weeks if u really want to see good results. Should u need to use the bottle, express your own milk. That's how it works.
what a great duscussion! i'm preganant for my 2nd child.rasanya bnyk lesson learned fr the 1st one.dulu i amik kisah tak kisah je.cuma harapkan org lain i think i have to be prepared myself.dulu cuma beli minyak herbanika fr nona roguy (and it was great!!) and also some pil jamu 'cap ayam'..but ended up tak makan sbb kena marah ng is not allowed to makan jamu durong pantang sebab anak kemungkinan besar kena jaundice etc nx time i;m focusing on the external care.i'm thinking of buying pilis,herba kempis perut (yg menggeleber tak habis2 since 1st one),a very good bengkung (last time i guna yg strap on..very panas and unselesa, end up tak pakai!.i'm thinking of jenis cotton yg senang nk ikat (cadangan anyone??), also ape2lah scrub utk hilangkan stretch mark etc..
Hi, I first time Mommy (baru 27 weeks hehe) n also looking for set bersalin, terjumpa lak blog u ni. I dengar set Leesa Formula not bad jugak, i think abt RM350 satu set sekali dgn bengkung n tungku. Thinking of getting that cos price boleh tahan n i baca testimonial kat forum2 cam ok je? Ada sape sape pernah cuba ke? i nak citer pengalaman i .. dah 2 kali bersalin..yg first i guna lessa formula..then yg second i guna awmway tu la.. both ok i ada satu problem la..lepas bersalin..rasa sejuk kaki n rahim kat bawah(kata org tua2 laa)sampai anak dah 6 bln..still mcm tu..then my sis suggest kat i guna LD venus..i cuba 3 botol jer..selama 3 hari..alhamdulillah kesannya amat menkjubkan..badan berpeluh..muka dah merah2..nmpka berseri laa..n bila jalan..rasa sedapla..sbb rahim kembali ke tmpt asal..i mmg suprise betul..alhamdulillah..husband i pon suka i amik tu..dia kata mcm mula2 kawin :)..i mmg suggest kat kwn2..tambah plak bg yg lepas bersalin tu..amik ld venus+spirulina+ig6..mmg bagus utk menyusu anak..susu banyak...i sampai sekarang still breastfeeding lg..anak dah setahun lebih..sesapa blom cuba elokla cuba..rugi kaalu tak cuba..nak try bleh sms saya 0194762979(norizan)
I dok cari info pasal mengandung n bersalin. Suspen le. Bila baca cerita2 pasal lepas bsalin, hmmm tpikir plak camne la masa tu yek.
Last 2 days I dpt ebook percuma pasal mengandung. Eh, sapa2 yang tak tau lagi especialy yg first time pregnant mmg elok la dptkan ebook tu kat
sapa2 yg tengah pregnant mesti rugi kalu tak baca ebook ni. bukan kena bayar pun. I dah pnah bsalin pun kdg2 tu lupe certain thing
Dulu ms firstime,i guna Amway gak..memang bagus dianyer bengkung tp my mom bebel sbb susah nk tolong balut..dia mesti berpeluh2. Tp atleast, perut i tak ler mgeleber wpun cuma guna selama 2 weeks aje (my mom take care of me only 2weeks, after that i dah malas nk wat sendiri)ubat2 dia cukup lengkap dr segi dalaman dan luaran, ada utk makan, minum dan mandi.
but this time, i nk cuba produk lain plak cuma skang ni byk sgt sampai confused nk guna yg mana. My due date is Feb 2009.hope ada yg sudi rekemen kecuali nona roguy (seems so expensive). Thanks
hi dah 8month pregnant....tgah dok survey2 set bersalin mane yg far mcm lbih berminat kt set nona roguy...but set bersalin manja pon cam best jugak,is there anyone have been used this manja set?....ha...saya tgk comment2 kat atas ni ada yg kata takut anak kena sakit kuning...ada petuanya.the petua is u must take tablet susu kambing start dr pregnancy u 7month,tryla,sy amalkan. baru je pas pantang n mybaby now dah start makan jamu after mybaby clean dr suspect start lambat dlm hari ke-15 dlm pantang...but so far everythin oke especially mytummy x geleber cam mula2..Amway d bestla cos complete dr internal n external i wud suggest to all dis..for strechmark..Allano lotion dr Amway gak suppose amek during preggy it works for me i lambat dpt taw even me member Amway..but after deliver me apply vit E kt mytummy to lesser the mark n me kena take balanced diet n do myroutine on treadmill..coz last time me freelance Personal Trainer so kena get in shape la..xsanggup nak tukar d whole wardrobe yg size muat2 badan me brestfeed so kena bg baby good food..jgn terlalu pantang ngarut2 cam xnak amek sayur..nnt urself constipation pulak..amekla sayur cam carrot kerr??broccoli kerr??..last time masa pantang mymama buat halia bukit goreng makan ngan nasi panas2..elok buang angin ngan enhance blood dpt confinement 100days dari hubby..nnt me update about kesan produk baru yg me amek now..rahsia..da ada kesan baru me inform keyhh..=)
duedate i 140110
my mother in law naik ati, dh blikan jamu nona roguy, dlm rm400++ gak la...
tp bengkung blum...
i tgh pening nk bli brand pe...
rmai ckp kt sini amway bagus, tp amway xleh jual asing kan...
hmm, sape tau bengkung yg bagus n leh bli asing n bleh bgtau skali x harga
nk tny la.amway memang kena beli kat kdai die je n online je ke?kt kdai biasa xda jual ke?
hye...tumpang lalu nk share thoughts :D i came across tiz blog when i was surfing for set bersalin. i think "d jamu thingy" depends to individuals kot...ade yg sesuai...ade yg tak sesuai. i pun tak blh comment lebih2 sbb ni baru 1st time nak gune...malah blom guna pun lg sbb tgh tunggu hari lg hehehehe ;D tp i ada beli set amway coz kakak2 kat school recommended this brand....cume bila da baca comments kat blog ni...mcm nona roguy tu ok jgk. la add for ur jamu entry tu...blh la survey2 nanti :D
Assalamualaikum semua, tertarik ngan komen-komen kekawan semua, saya ingin berkongsi, bagi sesiapa yang tengah pening mencari set bersalin dan juga ingin mendapatkan set bersalin disamping mendalami info kehamilan, meh follow this blog ( i jumpe blog nie masa merayau rayau mencari info pasal set bersalin. Best tau blog nie hehehe bye jumpe lagi
salam. saya pun dok pikir2 lagi utk plh set bsalin mane, sbbnye byk sgt set bsalin d psrn skrg. yg mane elok utk dr sy, sy sndri takleh decide lagi, sbb blom cube blom tau kan? hehe.
anyway, from my last experince...1st baby sy amalkan NONA ROGUY, mmg bdn btenaga, cumenya pil 'Phytonatal' tu memyebabkn sy cirit-birit, bbrp kali ulang alik ke tnds lam shari tau, smpaikn nk berbengkung pun pikir byk kali, dh nnt nk masuk rest room, nk kena tanggalkn plak. lain2 produk lam set tu ok je, terutama minyak herbanika tu, kalau letak kat maternity pad, mmg selesa & leh 'tarik' drh nifas sebersih2nya tau :)
utk 2nd bby sy gunakn LEESA FORMULA , ok jgk ler. sbnrnye tak tau nk describe ok ke tak mcmane sbbnye rase mcm biase aje. tungku herba pn, bg sy tak mberi kesan sehebat tungku tradisional (batu sungai) yg di bakar ats api n dibalut lam kain blapikkan daun kapal terbang :) sbbnya sy kate cam tu adlh, bile mengurut ngn mak bidan, die dok kate rahim sy still tak kecut2 even dh dkt sbln pantang. pastu, die suh gak sy btungku tradisional, br rase ok tau, huhu
ni utk 3rd bby, tak sure lagi yg pilih yg mane, either AMWAY or SENDAYU TINGGI
Pendek kata, selagi blm jmpe yg rase mmg btl2 'power' , stiap kali bsalin sy nk kena change new confinement set
Wah, menarik info yang dikongsi kt sini,Anyway, kalau takde duit dapat tungku pun ok jugak kan...tengok2la kalau berkenan
To all moms-to-be, i also would like to share my experience. So silly of me coz didn't bother to buy confinement set for my first pregnancy. My body was so tired and i believed i even had post natal depression. Luckily my best friend advice me to use Nona Roguy set set. I was more energetic after drinking the Teh Herba. Like all the previous comments, the Minyak Herbanika was superb! Makes your feet n tummy warm. Don't forget to wear thick socks for better effect. The Lulur also very good, it really can exfoliate the dark skins especially between the thighs and neck area. However, the Pills...hmmm... a bit risky...i also mcm kena diarhea. Tapi mungkin sebab tu badan cepat turun. Hehehe...tapi akhirnya pil tu masih tak habis lepas pantas. I just beli teh herba extra untuk bagi tenaga. Disebabkan tea bag nona roguy agak besar, i buat teh tu dalam termos, boleh diminum sepanjang hari, tak payah pekat2 sgt pun. Bole jimat sikit, coz set nona roguy agak mahal especially kalau beli separately satu satu.
sy first time baca komen kat sini, kesimpulannya mcm Amway jugak lah yg the best kan...ade sape2 yg tahu ok tak jamu mak dara?
sape2 berminat ngn set bersalin NR dan amway. harga promo ngn kak engku ni cuma RM290...cepat2 selagi stock masih ada
hmm.. mmg banyak komen yg bernas kat sini... sy skarang pregnant 2nd baby.. so.. mmg tgh cari set ape yg best utk masa pantang nanti.. stakat yg sy dgr dr kawan.. AMWAY antara yg best.. but ',ve tried LD VENUS dr ELKEN... even x pregnant pun mmg baik tuk wanita.. untuk perbaiki peranakan.. mmg nak guna LD Venus bersalin nanti.. bdn pun tak panas cam makan jamu biasa.. kalo ada sesiapa yang dah try JAMU MAK DARA tlg share kat sini jugak boleh tak?..
skrg mengandung 3rd baby.1st nak try sendayu tinggi set bersalin tp bila dgr amway set bleh membantu memperbnykkan air susu rasa nak cuba amway set la plak.sbb nak bagi bf kat baby nnti,tak nak la ghairah sgt nak try set bersalin smpai air susu terganngu.soalan sy,antara sendayu tinggi dan amway mana 1 yg lbh fokus utk mengembalikan bentuk badan asal,pendek kata bleh kurus la nnti tnpa menganggu pengeluaran air susu kt nnti.confius sangat2.reply me at 013-8758273,tq.
* RM100 only
*40's of Vitalea/ Multivitamin
*40's of B Complex
*40's of Vitamin C
*40's of Zinc
menariknya komen2 diatas tu sume...
sy tgh ngandung 1st pregnancy...n busily serching fot the best set bersalin for me...after a long consderation,i might just choose between 2:nona roguy n amway... but still in dilemma.. so,rasenye,antara amway dgn NR,mana yg lg byk positif feedbacknye ye..? sy skrg tggl dluar negara,so xde sape nk jaga tym i need a set bersalin yg plg seswai utk "jaga" sy internally n externally... =)
looking forward for any suggestions n opinions from dear mommies sekalian...
thank u.. =D
sy pn tgh car2 set bersalin..antara Amway or byk yg kate NR lg best..Kkak sy guna amway tp susu dia xbyk bdn dia mmg cepat trun la..n mnyak bby ia paling best mgkin sbb bdn dia pn mmg kecik 2nd bby dia, dia just pkai mustika ratu n pantang sndri je..trun gak mcm b4 dia bersalin..cuma susu dia lg byk la smpai leh BF smpai ank dia 6bln..pas2 stop cz dia x BF direct cz xde byk yg sy survey byk yg kate NR lg best tp sy tgk mcm xcukup je utk 44 hari pantang n mahal sgt ler..
Saya pregnant anak ke 6 skang nih, to me i dah cuba semua yg u ols post di atas
My conclusion the best penjagaan untuk berpantang: minyak herbanika dr Nr is the best minyak,Ld venus dr elken is the best untuk kecutkan rahim,x panas,sesuai untuk breast feeding
For tenaga: makan makanan sunnah kurma, madu,minyak zaitun dr palestine dan habbatussauda
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