Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In the Hot Seat

Tonnes of work to do. Loads. Things are really piling up on my desk. Everything's urgent...(and u still have time to blog?!)

So when the VP decided to have a sudden meeting this morning, I was frantic. Terrified at the same time, coz I know an impromptu meeting is not a good sign.

Indeed it was. He came down with a red face, boiling with anger. Just as expected. But I was not too sure what exactly triggers his anger till he decided to see all of us immediately. Like there's no tomorrow.

"Your branch performance is bad! You're an anchor branch but you have not done well! I'm very dissapointed with the branch's performance!"

Oh, there goes our increment and bonus, I thought. But what actually makes him think that way? Okay, we may not be tip-top in everything, but we did achieve our target last year. So what actually activate his anger? I'm still clueless, until....

"I marah betul tengok the 50-pages audit report only on your branch. How do u expect me to response to the auditors?"

Oh that's it! Damn the auditors! Kau cari kesalahan orang je bolehlah...aku pun boleh macam tu. Cuba kau duduk sini, buat kerja sampai tak cukup kaki tangan cam aku ni. Can u come-out superbly error-free?! Even the system can be corrupted sometimes... Anyway, the audit is done after three years, so of course there will be lots of findings and what not. If it's done every year, perhaps the pages will decrease to about...let me see...17 pages (50 divided by 3)...That's still a lot of findings. No wonder this VP of mine is boiling mad. Apa tak efisyen sangat ke kita orang ni? Don't you know by now that meeting target is one thing, compliance to policy and procedure is another thing? This is where the auditors love to scrutinise. Oh, I can see my increment and bonus flying above me, and vanished thru the thin air.

As usual after an intense meeting, we were somehow feeling terribly stressed out...even my EBM was affected! And as usual, we were left with a whole lot of work to do...

Ok let me see...few disbursement to process, some memo changes to be done, appoint lawyers for issuance of notice of demand for those bad paymasters..and new one on the list...project review on all accounts to be done before 31/3...and..oh, the list is endless. I think I'll go back really late tonight and tomorrow night.

But the good thing is I'm taking leave on Friday. Off to Matta Fair. My first trip to Matta actually. Wanna check out the price for our planned holiday trip...Yippee! Gosh, I'm so looking forward for a break...

Oh, well, for now back to work...I've been taking five for pumping (and blogging) and should be back to work, or else I'll have to burn a midnight oil here in the office...


Nana said...

wohoo.. ada orang nak gi MATTA fair!! bess tuu.. i have to give it a miss this time, timing utk travelling sudah tiada. heheh.. may u get a good deal for urself tomorrow! :)

Shue said...

Hoho! marah auditor nampak? tu mr auditor kat umah? eh your mr. auditor takde eh, outstation lagi.
Glad to know your breastpump fiasco dah settled!phew! very the important tu..harus di tinggalkan suma perkara kasik settle tu dulu..
Have fun kat Matta Fair.

Monster Mom said...

hi.. thx for visiting my blog. u must b in banking line as well huh!!! I know what u mean n I know what the auditors r feeling coz i've been in both shoes before..hehe...
make sure u get a good deal at matta fair nanti ok!

famyGirl said...

hee hee rotidua tu auditor. pi marah dia hee hee