Friday, May 05, 2006

Celoteh di pagi hari...

Ishk..rasanya macam very plain this blog without any self-taken picchas. Kenapalah boleh rosak pulak lense digital camera tu?? Have not bring the camera for repair as yet, thus, no clue at all on how much it will cost, and whether it's worth to repair or just buy a new one...In anyway, money is involved here...Duit lagi...

Tetiba terfikir pulak how it will be like if I were born in a filthy rich family like this lad here...
One month old Barron William Trump, the son of Donald Trump

Would life be much easier with money to buy for almost anything??

Ishk...where is this topic lead to? I have no idea. It's just my rants and rambles this early morning, before I start buat kerja office yang memeningkan kepala ini...


Sambung celoteh lagi...

I've recently bought two novels at Times Bookshop. I've finished one - Heiress for Hire by Erin McCarthy and currently reading The Pact by Jodi Picoult. I'm trying my luck reading books written by authors that I am not familiar with.

The first book is hilarious and romantic at the same time. Hubby was suprised that I read such book, because the cover itself signifies how light the content is. But I enjoyed the book very much. No wonder the rating given by Amazon is 5 stars!!

It's about a daughter of a rich man, who was forced to hunt for a job when his father decided to cut all her allowances and credit card usage just to teach her the meaning of 'tough love'. She ended up being a babysitter at a farmer's house - a young and handsome farmer. So macam biasalah, they fall in love...

Simple, typical and predictable story. But the dialogue is so funny and unexpected that it makes me imagine what a story it will turn out to be if it is adopted for the big screen. I'm imagining Alicia Silverstone to take up the role of the heiress...Hehehe...wild imagination...

Unlike the former one, this second book I’m reading carries a more serious and heavy content. It’s about two teenagers who fall in love and one is found dead, while the other is heavily wounded. The survived teenager claimed that he and his girlfriend were involved in a suicide pact. As parents who view their children as obedient, no sign of depression whatsoever, the news left a big question “Do we ever really know our children at all?”.

Scary thought! It makes me think, when our children are small, they look up to us for everything..almost everything. But when they are bigger, a teenager perhaps, can we ever control them? Can I – with my own children? Now, I understand how freaking strict my parent were when I was in my teens. Nak pergi sana dengan sapa? Nak tidur rumah kawan?! Nak pergi camping? Sapa lagi ikut? Biar mak abah hantar…Masa tu tension tak ingat punya!! But now, when I become a mother myself, I begin to understand the tough journey of the being a parent. Eeee…susah jugak yek…Berpeluh memikirkannya…


Hot Mama said...

OMG, she and the baby are so damn *mind my language* lucky.. Is that gold pram?? Hello!!! I don't want gold pram but those teddy bears.. i like. I would love to fill my baby's room with those teddies..
Every mothers' dreamkan..

Juliah & Faridah said...

apa rasanye jadik anak org kaya (i mean reallly kaya) cam si trump ni..

HM. agree with u. teddy tu .. best nyeeeeee...

Hot Mama said...

Onde-onde: Money is not everything, but like it or not we need money to live.
There is nothing wrong with having too much money/surplus...With it we could do charity, go haji, tak payah berhutang ngan bank, semua bayar cash...
Looking at Trump made me want to work harder..

zan said...

oh i saw the pact movie before, haven't read the novel's a heart wrenching movie.

siapalah yg tak suka wang??? hehehe siapa tak suka, boleh bagi i hahaha...

Cherry said...

wow the baby is lucky in one way. i hope the beautiful mother is giving her BreastMilk, eventhough thtu' bottles (as in the picture). then the baby is super wealthy and healthy :)

LindaMunshi said...

Thanks for the review, I hate it when I take a gamble on a book only to find it a huge dissappointment. Will definitely purchase it since it's been awhile I've indulged myself with the pleasure of reading chic lits.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure that im not that lucky baby,but i do wonder,maybe one day i can make a baby of mine as lucky as that one.i might just start trying from now

shell said...

kak ija..

pls check your mail..

rafiqaheliza said...

hotmama: oh yes the teddies are great..and huge!! Nice to hug..hehe

Haariz's mom: jadik anak org kaya best..jadik org kaya tak best sebab pening kepala beb!

Onde2: Kadang2 sebab kesempitan wang, boleh jadi pergaduhan..sampai ada yg cerai-berai...nauzubillah..Yeah, like what HM said, money isn't everythg but it's just as important as the oxygen and water..
My next to-read list is Rebecca..

rafiqaheliza said...

Zan: The Pact dah buat movie ke? I baru dok berangan2 alangkah bestnya cite ni kalau dibuat movie..Have to find the DVD somewhere!!

Ninuk: I was thinking of the same thing too..hope she's bfeeding tho she has the all the money in the world to buy the most expensive formula in town..I'm wondering, camnelah 1 bulan boleh badan kurus macam tu...dalam pantang lagi tu!!

sarah's mom: Go get it girl! I pun baru start reading again after sometime..

Kure2: Oh yes, every mother has that dream...usaha tangga kejayaan.

Shell: Ok, nanti aku check. Sejak bila pulak ko panggil aku kak ija ni?