Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What to Blog On?

"Hey Rafiqah, update your blog!"

Yeah, I heard you loud and clear Izreen.

It's one week since my last entry. I am addicted to blogging, that's for sure. But within the last one week, I'm pretty caught up with work. I have basically no time to blog hopping, what more to spare more time on writing an entry.

I also found life is a bit plain with nothing interesting to blog on. Everyday, my life goes through the same routine. Get up to work and left the house at 7.30 am. Reached the office at 8.15 am with 15 minutes to spare for breakfast before I started my work, which happens to be monotonous as well - prepare disbursement proposal, write some memos, follow-up on payment, some reporting to do - day in and day out.

Left the office at about 6 am, reached home after 30 minutes (on average). Cook, eat dinner and spend quality time with Ashraff until he fell asleep. After Ashraff is fast asleep, I would normally watch TV with hubby but for the past few nights, I've been indulging myself in a newly bought novel by Judith McNaught titled Night Whisperers, before eventually retire to bed.

So, can you find anything interesting for me to blog on here?
Or probably I'm just not in the mood to write..

At first I wanted to write about our trip to Taiping, which I found it to be profoundly interesting. But then, I have not transferred the photos taken to my computer, thus, I could not add up some photos to spice up the story.
But then again, if I do transfer the photo, I do not think I have the energy to write.

Sorry folks, I have somesort of mental block these few days...


Nana said...

McNaught ada buku baru lagi la Ija. Hehehe.. get that one next.

rafiqaheliza said...

You pun fan mcnaught ke? Is it someone watch over me? You gave me the idea to blog on my fav authorlah..maybe later when I find time and mood..

Cherry said...

ohh cik puan, banyak nye alasan awak :) sometimes it is nice also to let the photo do the talking :)

Nana said...

someone to watch over me pon dah consider lama jugak. ada a newer one. but i haven't read it myself. dah lama tak pegi bookstore.

Anonymous said...

ija, best citer night whishper of my fav..

Unknown said...

it happens...mental block..if u look back my blog, memang byk kali aku complain pasal mental block no worries it will come back...

rafiqaheliza said...

onde2: banyaknye project at a time, sis..

Ninuk: A woman with 1001 alasan..sebenarnya nak cakap yg I have mental block je..hehe..Photo pun takde ni..

Nana: Pun sudah lama kaa? Habis apa yg baru..kena check internet ni..

Smiley: Mcnaught fan also ke? ramailah pulakkk..Thought I'm the only one..heh!

Fina: I hope it comes back. Seriously I have no topic to blog man..

Fahidayati Ramli said...

I pun dah lama tak write anything. There are something to tell everybody... but the idea... ZERO!!! Dunno how to start... Actually punyalah banyak story since January... Takpelah... maybe after this... idea start comes out... Hopefully!!!!